Terrorism is one of the central issues of our day.
From the Munich Olympics (1972), Tehran (1979), Beirut (1983), Lockerbie (1988), New York’s World Trade Center (1993), Buenos Aires (1994), East Africa (1998), September 11th (2001), Madrid (2004), London (2005), Mumbai (2008), Boston (2013), Paris, Sinai, Beirut, Mali, San Bernardino (2015), Brussels (2016), and on and on we sadly go. In fact, global terrorist attacks were up an alarming 30% in 2015 compared to the previous five-year average. With global terrorist groups gaining in strength and actively seeking to capture (or purchase) chemical weapons, nuclear weapons, and fissile radioactive material for building dirty bombs, the trend-line is disturbing to say the least. As such, this issue is of paramount importance to all of us.
The major events that happen in our world, in turn, provoke “art” as a reaction, as a response, and as a pathway of protest and resistance. Art should never be underestimated in its unique role in helping to defeat the enemies of humanity.
Here are some of the leading global websites featuring “The Art That Terrorism Provokes”:
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